Can Vehicles Without Windshield Wipers Be Registered In California
California's Vehicle Lawmaking, Division 12 — Equipment of Vehicles
"California'south Vehicle Code requires that you practice non sell or offer for sale, a vehicle unless all of its rubber equipment is in proper working condition.
It does non matter if you tell the Buyer about the defects – this requirement cannot be waived by a Dealer or Heir-apparent.
The Code does not apply when the Vehicle:
- Is sold to another Dealer
- Is beingness legally wrecked, dismantled
- Used exclusively off-highway
- Is a leased, registered in California, and sold to the Lessee, if they were in possession of the vehicle immediately prior to the sale
Air Bags
Yous may not sell a vehicle manufactured with a supplemental restraint organization (
air bags ) unless the system is working properly and conform to the manufacturer's specifications. - It is illegal to modify the vehicle'south calculator system or supplemental restraint system then that it falsely indicates the system is in proper working order
Condom belts
You may non sell or offer for sale any vehicle manufactured after January 1, 1968, unless information technology is equipped with seat belts for each seating position. Vehicles betwixt January one, 1962, and Jan 1, 1968, must have two front seat belts
Brakes must stop
- Rider vehicles — within 25 feet
- Single vehicles weighing less than ten,000 lbs — within 30 feet
- Single vehicles weighing more than x,000 lbs — within 40 feet
- All other combinations of vehicles — within l feet
Parking Brakes
- Must exist in good working condition and able to concord the vehicle or combination of vehicles stationary on any grade on which it is normally operated
Every registered rider vehicle must be equipped with a front and rear bumper.
A "bumper" means any device designed and intended by a manufacturer to foreclose the front or rear of the trunk of the vehicle from coming into contact with any other motor vehicle.
This does non apply to any rider vehicle equipped with an energy absorption device or any rider vehicle which was not equipped with a forepart or rear bumper, or both, at the fourth dimension that it was first sold
Headlights , Tail Lights, Finish Lights & Plough Signals
All factory-installed lighting must be in good working status.
- Vehicles (other than motorcycles) must exist equipped with at least ii headlamps, with at least ane on each side
- Calorie-free sources and headlamps must exist at a top of 22–54 inches
All vehicles must accept a working horn capable of emitting audio audible from a distance of not less than 200 feet.
- No horn shall emit an unreasonably loud or harsh sound (except an authorized emergency vehicle).
- Every vehicle (including motorcycle) must accept a mirror located and so the driver tin can see the highway for a altitude of at least 200 feet to the rear
- Every vehicle must have at least ii mirrors including one affixed to the left-hand side
- Vehicles loaded or towing with an obstructed view to the rear must have left and right-hand mirrors
Muffler and Exhaust System
- No muffler or exhaust system may exist equipped with a cutout, bypass, or similar device
- Every motor vehicle must exist equipped with an adequate muffler to prevent any excessive or unusual dissonance
- All factory-installed emission command equipment must be installed and work properly
Smog Inspection & Certification
- A smog certification is required for a transfer of a vehicle 1976 model year and newer
- Y'all must meet smog inspection requirements before delivering a vehicle to a purchaser
You may not sell, offering for auction, or install on a vehicle a tire with less tread than:
- one/32 of an inch in any two adjacent grooves at any location of the tire
- 2/32 of an inch at all points in all major grooves on the drive axles
- four/32 of an inch at all points in all major grooves on a tire on the steering axle
- six/32 of an inch at all points in all major grooves on snow tires
- Every vehicle must be equipped with an adequate windshield unless it was not required or equipped with a windshield when it was first sold or registered.
- The windshield's condition must non impair the driver's vision either to the front or rear
Windshield Wipers
- Every vehicle (except motorcycles) with a windshield must two self-operating windshield wipers. A single wiper is acceptable then long as it meets Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards.
- Windshield wipers must be in good operating condition and be capable of effectively immigration the windshield under all ordinary storm conditions
Windshield Defroster
- Every rider vehicle must take a windshield defrosting device in adept working condition and adequate to remove snow, ice, frost, fog, or internal wet
Valuable Reference Links
- California Vehicle Code, Division 12 (Section 24000), relating to equipment of vehicles
Can Vehicles Without Windshield Wipers Be Registered In California,
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